Nathan Ross is a therapist and national child welfare consultant who uses his life, educational, and professional experiences to improve the foster care system throughout North America. Nathan entered foster care when he was ten after significant abuse, neglect, and insufficient child welfare interventions resulted in two of his siblings dying. Once in care, Nathan received a wealth of supports and services that allowed him to heal and thrive, and he was later adopted. Upon discovering that his foster care experience was unique, he decided to center his career around increasing outcomes for future generations of children impacted by the foster care system.
As an adopted person, Nathan is aware of the challenges children and youth face when they struggle to form healthy attachments while navigating barriers associated with experiences of childhood trauma. He has spent the last 15 years sharing his experiences with foster/adoptive parents and professionals while also working within the child welfare system over the previous ten years. Additionally, Nathan has worked with teens and young adults around North American on understanding their stories and utilizing their narratives to recognize their inherent resilience.